The Work Order Tracking Dashboard provides real-time tracking of the progress of jobs. The dashboard can be updated manually when viewed or can easily be set to automatically update as a visual aid on a television screen. The dashboard shows information to be viewed including: 

Work OrderThe ID number assigned to the work. (Usually generated from ERP or CMMS) 
Work Order DescriptionA description of the work. (Usually derived from the work order)
No. of DefectsThe number of defects/notification created against the work order.
SiteDisplays which site the work order is assigned to.
Assigned CrewOne or more named resource(s) assigned to the work.
% CompleteDisplays the progress as a percentage based on completion of job steps in the app.
  • Grey bar   = outstanding work
  • Blue Bar = in progress work and % complete
  • Green bar = work complete (all job steps complete) 
Last UpdatedDisplays the last time the work order was accessed
HazardsDisplays that a Hazard advice was assigned to one or more job steps.
StatutoryDisplays that a stop and halt advice of Statutory was assigned to one or more job steps.

To view the tracking dashboard from the Main Menu, click on Job Management>Tracking Dashboard to access the dashboard. 

The following features are available:

  • Enable Full screen mode
  • Select the toggle for Auto or Manual Update
  • Filter the list using the search