Before creating WIN Documents in Builder there are some basic data elements that need to be created including
- Manufacturer - A Manufacturer in Builder can be an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or it can be a reference to a plant area or process. It is used to provide a logical grouping of Tasks, WIN Documents and Task BOM's.
Refer to Adding a Manufacturer for more information - Model / Equipment Grouping - is the term used to group and assign a series of Task WIN documents. A model can be a singular specific model of equipment or it can be a specific plant area or process.
Refer to Create a New Model for more information. - Sites - Sites are a logical grouping of assets. These can be based on physical boundaries or responsibilities.
- Assets - One or more physical assets that are assigned to a site. Assets have a Model / Equipment Group assigned logically building WIN documents.
Refer to the below process as a guide to setting the basic data elements prior to building Task WIN Documents.