This guide shows how to add an inspection limit and to select and mark up an image. Navigate to Data Admin>Limits>Limits to access the Limits Admin screen.

  1. Click NEW to create a new limit
  2. Limit Category - Select from the list of Inspection Types - Crack, Wear, Leak, Temperature, Other Defect
  3. Name - Enter a name for the limit
  4. Description - Enter a name for the limit
  5. Location ID - Enter a Location ID for the limit (Displayed on analytics reports)
  6. Location Description - Enter a Description for the Location ID for the limit (Displayed on analytics reports) 
  7. Open Structural Inspection Model - Click to select the file to use
  8. Inspection Model File - Type to search for a file and select the file
  9. Mark-up 2D Model - Click to display the image mark-up editor. See article Image Editor Tool Bar for more info on marking up images
  10. Position Code - Select or create a position code this is the identifier used to advance inspection history
  11. Click SAVE to save the mark ups and click CREATE to save the Structural Inspection Limit

NOTE: An image file is required before completing this instruction. 
      See article Adding a 2D (Photo) or 3D Model

Create Inspection Limit 

Mark-up 2D Model