Limits can be created from the Job Step or via the Data Admin area. For job steps, existing limits can be searched and reused or new limits created. The determination of the limit name and description is based on the reporting requirements for the capture of data and further analysis. Review article Limit Workflow for Reporting to understand how limits can be reused and the impacts to reporting.
The following workflow provides a guide to the naming of limits once created. There are typically four ways limits can be used
TYPE 1 - Generic or Component type recording of values
i.e. SMU Hours for any machine, Brake Test Pass/Fail for any machine with brakes, RCD trip test current / time.
e.g. SMU Hours, Brake Test Pass/Fail, RCD Trip Time, RCD Trip Current
TYPE 2 - Equipment Type recording of values are specific to the type of equipment.
i.e. Haul Truck tray Pin inspection Pass / Fail or crusher jaw wear inspection for thickness in mm or inches.
e.g. HT-Tray-Pin-Pass/Fail, CR-JAW-WEAR-MM or CR-JAW-WEAR-IN
TYPE 3 - Model specific recording of values where tolerances may be specified
i.e. CAT793F Front suspension heights measured to a limit of +/- 12mm or 0.5''
TYPE 4 - Task specific recording of values that would not fall into one of the other types.
i.e. recording bolt tension for a wear plate tightening task