Qualifications may be needed for certain tasks/jobs that are to be completed by users on site. 

Login to Onplan Builder > Main Menu, and navigate to Data Admin>Qualifications>Qualification Issuers, Types & Attributes. You need to add an Issuer and a Type before creating a Qualification. Add these by clicking  under Issuers or Types.


Then, navigate to the settings cog in the top right of the screen and select Users. Either create a new user or edit an existing one, the click on Qualification Details.

Navigate back to the Main Menu and click on  Data Admin>Qualifications to navigate to the list of preexisting Qualifications. To add a new Qualification, click the button and the Add Qualification pop-up will be displayed. 

Enter the information using the following guide:

Active Check box:
  • Empty - will NOT affect which users can and can't complete tasks based on their qualifications
  • Checked - WILL affect which users can and can't complete tasks based on their qualifications. 
NameEnter the name of the required qualification.   

Click on the Type dropdown menu and select the Qualification type from the list of types created in the Qualification Issuers, Types & Attributes page (seen above).

Click on   to add the new entry to the list.

Note: Use the search feature by clicking in  and entering related text.  It is good for finding if like information exists before creating new entries.