Library tasks can can be copied from existing tasks created. 

To create a new WIN Task by copying from an existing task, ensure the model has "Is Template" selected. 

Refer to Making a model a template for copying if the tasks aren't available when searching.

Click  to add a new task. 

The Add Task pop-up is displayed.

Click on  to select the Link/Share/Clone Operations selection.

The Search Task is displayed. Enter the text for the task to be searched, click on the task to be copied. 

The task detail of the task selected will be populated.

Refer to Making a model a template for copying if the tasks aren't available when searching.

Alter the text to reflect the new task being created. 

Click to display the Select link / Clone Operations pop-up window.

The list of operations to be linked or cloned (copy) is displayed on the left. 

Click  against the corresponding operation for the new task requirements.

Click  to create the new task.