Opening the FMECA Upload Tool

To import FMECA models or lists of preventive maintenance tasks. Navigate to the PM Task Editor screen, then click the Import PM Tasks button in the action menu.

This will open the FMECA import tool. Click  to select a file for import.

NOTE: A template for import can be downloaded by clicking 
The upload file must contain the column titles as the first row in the Excel work sheet as per the template.

Required Columns / Required Fields

The required columns are:

  • Task Details
  • Component

All other columns are optional.

The uploaded tasks can now be reviewed. 

NOTE: OnPlan does checking for duplication of tasks on import. Typically a component can have many failure modes with the same mitigating task. The import will suppress these duplicate tasks. The checking is completed against the Component, Position and Task Details. To force tasks to be imported, use a sequential number in the Position Code field.

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