The OnPlan App has the ability for multiple users to work on the same Work Order simultaneously. Below is an in-depth overview of the Multi-User functionality and the logic it follows based on events that occur within Work Orders.
If there is a possible conflict across one or more users, a popup is shown to that user.
Prompting due to differing data across users
In a scenario where User A and User B are working on Work Order "Inspection001" and User A enters the value of 1000 hours for the machine "hours" step in a value limit textbox. User B then carries out the same inspection and records the machine hours as 1005 hours in the value limit textbox. The Multi-User prompt will appear to User B, asking if they would like to either 'Use theirs" or "Use mine" regarding the value recorded against this limit.
In this scenario if User B selects "Use theirs", User A's initially recorded result of 1000 hours is loaded into the step and the value limit is marked as complete. If User B selects "Use mine", the value of 1005 hours is saved to the cloud and the step value remains 1005 hours.
Multi-User Event Handling
- Two users set a value to a limit and they are identical. (E.g. Pass | Fail, Value, Range, Button List, Drop-down list etc).
Action taken: No prompt will be shown. - A Step marked as 'Done' by User A and 'Not Done' by User B.
Action taken: The step will remain marked 'Done' as its assumed the step having been set as 'Done' is the correct stance.- Structural Inspection limit caveat
The status of a step containing a Structural Inspection limit (2D/3D model displayed) will use the original step status set by the first User. I.e. Done, Not Done. This is because all Structural Inspection user inputs (crack markings etc) are considered Defects, and Defects across all users are stored. Further discussed below.
- Structural Inspection limit caveat
- User A completes Operation "Bucket Inspection" containing 8 steps on Work Order "RoutineInspection001". The results are saved to the cloud. User B completes Operation "Hydraulic Piston Inspection" containing 10 steps on the same Work Order "RoutineInspection001". This combination has caused the work order to now be Complete.
Action taken: Standard behaviour - after User B completes the last step and once a save to cloud event has occurred, confirming all steps on the work order are now complete, the Job Completion prompt will appear for User B to complete/finalise the work order. - User A with an online iPad completes a Work Order. Later, User B with an offline iPad completes the same Work Order then returns to site and activates Online mode again.
Action taken: When the contents of the Work Order are being pushed up to the cloud, depending on the results entered and steps completed from both users, a popup prompt to User B will display steps that have any conflicts, for User B to determine which of each step to keep, his or User A's. - User A with offline iPad completes a Work Order. User B with an offline iPad completes the same Work Order. User A goes online and submits his work order without any prompts.
Action taken: User B is prompted for every step where an entered limit value is different to that of User A.
Defects are a critical aspect of Work Orders and with the introduced Multi-User capabilities, there is no compromise on the data collected.
All Defects are saved regardless of duplication, titles, values or differing priorities from different crew members/users. This applies to Cracks, Defects, Hazards and Feedback - as an overview of all Defects created on Work Orders is essential.
In a scenario where User A completes a Work Order and creates Defects, which may include Cracks on a Structural Inspection, and User B completes steps on the same with some overlap of steps already completed by User A, then all Defects are captured from both users, regardless if User B set different limit values to that of User A. All collected defects by all users are shown within the Completion Report.