Hazards and controls are managed in two different ways for a WIN. Type 1 Hazards are added at the WIN Header and Type 2 Hazards are identified at each job step and are rolled up and displayed at the WIN Header. See below for more explanation and how to add and remove hazards to the WIN Header. 

TYPE 1 Asset/Process Hazard - This hazard has been added from the WIN Header page as per instructions below. These hazards are generally based on the asset location or process. The Found on Operations field is blank which identifies it was added from the header. See below to edit the WIN Header hazards.
TYPE 2 Job Step Hazard - This hazard has been added from the WIN job steps. The Found on Operations field shows the operation(s) the hazard was assigned to. These hazards can only be edited at the job step. Refer to Adding Advice to Job Steps for hazards to job steps.

Adding Hazards using the   to add all standard hazards to the WIN Header.

Type 1 Hazard can be searched and added. One or more can be selected and added in the search. 

NOTE: Select multiple hazards by holding down Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking each hazard required.

Deleting hazards in the pop-up when selecting incorrectly.

Type 1 Hazards can be removed from the list of hazards.

Note: New hazard references need to be added through the Data Admin>Advice table.